M S You did great for up here east of Pgh., PA Thursday 4" morning, than you must have taken a break as it started to turn to rain and wash it away. So I did three properties before the rain could do that, Then wam another 4" real fast. If you turned on a broadcast here that's all they were talking about . The road crew strategies, the fender benders, yada yada. Thing is the area wasn't affected that bad. They acted like it was the first surprise snowfall of the season. There is always a big ruckus then. I think the news was just like us . They Had the "jonses" (withdrawl nerves) from going so long without snow.
Anyhow once you get the ball rolling, you can't take a break. I think you need an assistant to spell you off.
In a pinch youns could use one of those rubber dolls, kinda like a scarecrow/snowwoman.
This message was modified Feb 26, 2005 by Ben07
Ariens 8524LE, Toro CCR2000, Jacobsen S-B S-blowers, Generac 10hp Gen-convt. to N.G., 5 L-boys(D's F's &Dura( 74,77,80,88,00), Antiq. 1960 AYP 20 in. mag w 3.5 Tech mower. Ryan/Ryobi gas Trim. AYP 205 gas blwr. Mac c-saw,Toro E-blwr, 2 Weed-E e. stg. trims. outboards, boats, util trail, 2 Jeeps