There's not much to talk mowers but I will try to understand snow people what they feel, what they hope, hummmm Kangooro is bringing my ice tea sorry mates that's life here.
Hi Mate!(My first attempt at an Austrailian greeting!)
It's 7:30 am and snowing here on Long Island! Not a great ammount but enough to use the machine. I saw your post and it got me thinking.
It's a love hate thing with Snow. When you're a child you love it because if there is enough of it schools will be closed and its' awesome to play in. As you get older it becomes a pain in the a$$ because it makes life tremendously inconvenient. It kind of dictates to you what you can do for about a day or so. Americans as Austrailians are independent sorts and don't like being controlled by anything.
If you're lucky you discover snowblowers. You are back in control! The more snow the better.The machines actually work better in deeper snow.
The control thing is very subtle. The municipal plows further complicate your life(government control) by pilling the street snow high and packed in your driveway. This can be like someone putting you in "prison"! Not if you own a blower.They also plow your cars over so that you can't use them.Kind of like "confiscation" of property.Not if you own a blower!
In short the use of a snow blower is a liberating experience that never fails to improve your quality of life and put a smile on your face! It instantly converts one of the worst chores in existance(shoveling) to pure enjoyment.In addition if you like mechanical equiptment it is one of the last venues where an individual can tinker with simple hand tools.
I just looked out the window and its' stopped snowing.
Got to go liberate my driveway,
This message was modified Feb 21, 2005 by mml4
SnapperV210P,Toro22177,TroyBilt42010Snowthrower,Craftsman Shredder,American Turbo Pressure Washer HondaGX200,Stihl011Saw,EchoPas260Trimmer Edger,EchoPB602Blower,EchoHCR150Hedge Clipper