I was asked to post pictures of the first oil change, so here they are:
Oil was a bit dirty, after about 7 hours use, did get a full liter out, so doesn't appear to use any, at this point
I did not have to take all the covers off, only did to see/show what is under the hood 
There are Rubber engine mounts to reduce vibration. Also rubber and foam seals, which kept the inside very clean, and reduce noise. My neighbour can not believe how quite it is.
Oil Drain and Fill Side:

Carb and Muffler Side:

Front Shot:

Just to Remember what it looks like together:

It was nice to see what was under the hood, the workmanship is Outstanding.
I ops manual gives all the Torque settings, for all the Bolts, including cover bolts, so I was able to install everything back to to specs.
I am very impressed with the attention to detail that went into building this unit.