Joined: Feb 23, 2011
Points: 8
Honda 2 Stage Auger Pin
Original Message Mar 29, 2016 6:17 pm |
After several years of using my Honda HS928, I sheared the 7x40 pin that bolts the auger to the horizontal auger shaft. It's the pin labeled #9 on this diagram: http://www.boats.net/parts/search/Honda/Snow%20Blower/0/HS928%20TAS-A/AUGER/parts.html While I have sheared the other bolt, the one labeled #13 on the above diagram, along with the separate shear bolt on the auger, I have never sheared the #9 one before. I keep a stock of replacements for the other shear bolts, but not this #9 one and was lucky that I had blown out most of my driveway before it sheared and was able to finish with just half of the auger spinning by only using that half of the blower. Is the #9 pin supposed to act as a shear pin too? Is there a "generic" equivalent to this #9 pin?