Ariens ST27LE Missing Auger Zerk Fittings Original Message Dec 11, 2009 7:15 pm
I bought an Ariens ST27LE Model 921010 in December of 2008. While doing maintenance I noticed that the auger did not have grease Zerk fittings. I noticed that this year’s model (921012) now has auger grease Zerk fittings. I downloaded from Ariens website the parts manual for models 921010 and 921012. The auger assembly on the model 921012 showed 3 extra parts: 2 Zerk fittings (part #07061300) and 1 plug (part #03905800). The remaining parts were all the same.
I asked the dealer about this discrepancy between the two models and he was at a loss to give a reason. It appears that this year all the Ariens Sno-Thro models have auger Zerk fittings. I am worried that this was an oversight by Ariens on my model which was remedied on this year’s model. Can someone with more knowledge reassure me that this was design intent and there is no reason to worry about the auger getting rusted to the rake shaft?
Re: Ariens ST27LE Missing Auger Zerk Fittings Reply #10 Jan 28, 2016 6:21 am
My Ariens Deluxe 30 also stopped using Zerk fittings after a certain serial number. I called customer service and he said they are now using a plastic sleeve so there is no metal to metal contact or need for lube. Personally I don't think it is a great idea, as I have seen rusted metal embed itself in plastic. The sleeve could end up as a coupling between a rusty shaft and a rusty auger. but if the sleeve is in there there is no point in trying to install zerk fittings, as the grease has no place to go.
Dosen"t Honda use a similar system of less than full length shafts? I am aware they still use shear bolts (pins) but I seem to remember their shafts are not full length. Guys who didn't remove the pins periodically and grease and spin them wound up seizing the rakes to the shafts. Honda used anti seize from the factory as well but the bottom line if memory serves was it didn't last forever. Some guys reported taking the trouble to remove the rakes on the Hondas when new in order to install zerks. That is one hell of a job to have to do on any machine. Irresponsible of the manufacturer of any blower Honda or Ariens or anyone to leave off zerks!! marc