Location: Marlboro MA
Joined: Dec 7, 2007
Points: 1328
Re: Operation of the foot pedal on Honda HS928
Reply #1 Jan 10, 2015 9:29 am |
Hard to imaging much in the position change mechanism would need to be replaced other than the spring. The parts in there are thick metal and I would think impossible to wear out even with abuse. If you backed a car into the machine then you'd have problems.
The mechanism is a bit clunky but works and with practice easy to use although getting into the middle position takes a try or two.
There's the foot peddle that when pushed down pulls away the slotted section from the right and left bar or nubs that go into the three slots. When the peddle is down the slots pull back and the machine can be lifted by the handlebars or pushed down to make the nubs go up and down. Going up or down they travel where the slots would be if the peddle was down. If the peddle is not down far enough the nubs hit the end of the slots, bump, catch or rid on the tips between the slots. If between when you finish your move up or down the nub will eventually fall into one or the other close by slots.
So the process, peddle down to get the slots back out of the way. Pull the machine up or down by the handlebars to position the nubs for high, medium or low bucket position.
If you're are not looking directly at the slots and nubs then you have to guess their position. If you put the sun at your back and to the side so it lights up the area of the slots and nubs then you can see exactly what is going on down there.
Get a flashlight or the sun at your back and look in while you step on and off the peddle. Look at the nubs and the slots. With a little practice you'll get it every time.