jrtrebor & ajallen,
What both of you have said makes sense. That the key like indentation in the collar probably extends into
a slot on the crank. That the end part of crank in the drive plate section of the is probably a cap. Then the
bolt holds the combined halfs of the pulley on.
I had called Poulan support and got nowhere the first time and refered to local dealers. I went to three
this afternoon and none had ever seen this arrangement before. I called Poulan to see if I could get
to an engineer but the support guy was savvy and a great help. He assumed as ajallen mentioned that
the cap was a press fit and a bearing behind it then a bolt that holds everything on. When the bolt is in
the three screws on the inner pulley half will hold on the pulley drive plate.
The reason for the cap we were fuzzy on but now I realized what it's for. The drive plate drives the
friction disk and the friction disk at low speed will be in the inner section of the drive plate. The drive
plate turns and if there was no cap the friction disk would ride on the edge of the hole in the center
of the friction disk. So the cap is to prevent that.
It should also turn so the friction disk won't burn up. They put a bearing behind the cap so the cap
can turn.. The cap must pressed into the bearing and the bearing press into the hole in the drive
plate. That all makes sense.
Just how to get the cap out is a mystery. Boston Lawnmower is one of the better dealers loaded
with good mechanics. We figured it was a cap so he tried to get it out by hammering with a very
small punch. Some of the other guys there gave some opinions but the cap would not come out.
I'm going to try to grind it out. The bearing is probably a very tight fit and the cap a tight fit into
the bearing (ball bearing) so it can turn but stay in.

31 is called a neutral spacer which through me off.
30 is the ball bearing.
Now that I think about the neutral part of the description maybe that name is from the center being "neutral". That is
one side of the friction disk is forward and the other reverse. Neutral is the center. I'm not sure how this thing works
but maybe the friction disk is aways turning. ??
So I think grinding out the neutral spacer and ball bearing will give me access to the bolt and I'll be able to get the engine apart.
>>The cam lobes are usually cast as part of the shaft so they can't spin change where they are on the shaft.
Right, and their at different places to time the lifting of the rods. Both can't lift at the same time. The drawing
shows a single piece part so no slip on lobes to shift. There must be something attached to the cam shaft
to cause the lifting. ??
>>Do the rockers look like the are in the right place and position?
The rockers are in the right place. One end over the rods and the other on the valve spring cap ends.