Tach question Original Message Feb 8, 2005 4:11 pm
I would like to get a tach that i can use on all my ope. Looking for something i can just clip on to check and adjust rpm's then put it back in the tool chest. Anybody got any good recomendations and a link to where or what ?
Fred.... I think it is fair too say that they are as accrurate as any type of tach. They dont read in 10 rpm increments....(but not many tachs do... or is there any great need for that type of accuracy.) All of the specs that we ever deal with...are given within a range +/- 200 rpm. You can dial that in with no problem with a vibra-tach. I have compared with my 100 dollar, super-duper, hi-tech Stihl tach and there is no difference. If something reads, say......3600 rpm on one....it will read exactly the same on the other. I think it is even more accruate on the lower rpm readings. I once had a customer from another field (I cant recall what field) tell me that they used them because they counted revolutions on machines that didnt produce electrical signals like gas powered engines do. I do know that they use them on electrical motors...like starter motors. Mine has been relegated too my "odd tool drawer", but I used one for years and wouldnt hesitate too use it again. The only advantage that my current tach has is that I can get in some areas easier too get a reading. I just point it at the sparkplug....and I am done. In some cases, like certain generators...its even easier too use the sirometer because the plug lead is stuck under some covers or is hard too get at and all I have too do is put the vibra-tach on the pull starter...which is right out in the open.
They do take a little time too get used too....but that is mostly because people dont trust them at first. They just look too "primative" too the digital generation. I always like too have fun with the new guys and pull mine out too check their work. (They always give me that "WTF is that" look.) I show them how too work it ...then whip out the digital too compare readings. It never fails too get a wow response. (It's like I discovered water with a devining rod.) They work....they are accurate...and they are inexpensive.