Without HP in these engines, you get no torque.
actually the opposite is true
Horse power is the result of torque.
Torque is a force
Horsepower is a measurtment of torque doing work over an amount of time.
The opposite is true of your quote.
Without torque you cannot develope horsepower.
Simple example lets take internal combustion engines out of this.
Lets use an electric motor, why because an electric motor can produce force without a running start.
Lets say you got a 100 pound object you also have an electric motor that produces and can be measured at 75 pounds of force. It cannot lift the weight. It has force but cannot produce any horsepower cause it cannot move it.
"It is torque that moves your car but it is horsepower that sells it."
"It is TORQUE that makes the world go round."
This message was modified Feb 10, 2005 by Ben07
Ariens 8524LE, Toro CCR2000, Jacobsen S-B S-blowers, Generac 10hp Gen-convt. to N.G., 5 L-boys(D's F's &Dura( 74,77,80,88,00), Antiq. 1960 AYP 20 in. mag w 3.5 Tech mower. Ryan/Ryobi gas Trim. AYP 205 gas blwr. Mac c-saw,Toro E-blwr, 2 Weed-E e. stg. trims. outboards, boats, util trail, 2 Jeeps