Abby’s Guide > Outdoor Power Equipment (Lawn Mowers, Snow Blowers, Chain Saws and more) > Discussions > Gas vs. Electric Chainsaw
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Gas vs. Electric Chainsaw
Original Message Oct 21, 2013 12:20 pm |
Hey guys, I am looking into buying a new chainsaw, but I am torn between buying a gas or an electric one. Which do you recommend?
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Re: Gas vs. Electric Chainsaw
Reply #1 Oct 22, 2013 5:25 am |
It really depends on how frequently you plan on using it and the work you plan on doing with the chainsaw. Generally, if you are going to be doing heavy-duty work more frequently, I would recommend a gas chainsaw. Of course, there are pros and cons to each type of saw, so there is a lot to consider.
This message was modified Oct 22, 2013 by a moderator
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Re: Gas vs. Electric Chainsaw
Reply #2 Oct 23, 2013 10:33 am |
Electric is good for light duty work but if you lose power (and don't have a generator) you may be out of luck if a tree falls and blocks the street or your driveway during a storm.
This message was modified Oct 23, 2013 by FrankMA
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Re: Gas vs. Electric Chainsaw
Reply #3 Oct 24, 2013 4:43 am |
If you use the saw in cold weather, you have to put really light chain oil in the electric saw, as the unit doesn't get warm enough to keep the oil flowing. Then switch to heavier oil in the summer. I've not seen any pro/am or commercial-duty electric chainsaws. Leads me to believe most are designed for light homeowner use, which may be all you need. I have a little $70 Remington 16" electric that I use for trimming and small (less than 8") log work. It is convenient near the house where I have an extension cord handy, and it is relatively lightweight. I use my Husqvarna 340 gas saw for anything bigger. Just last week, had a good deal on a Hitachi (Tanaka) pro/am chainsaw, I think it was $225 or $250. If you're not in a hurry, they come up every month or so on Woot. For something better, you'd have to step up to the $500 range for a Stihl.
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Re: Gas vs. Electric Chainsaw
Reply #4 Oct 28, 2013 10:49 am |
I've used both gas and electric, but favor the gas model by a wide margin. Portability is much better, and the smaller ones (16" and below) aren't heavy enough to be an issue. Also, it's no contest when it comes to raw power. I've cut down 26" oaks with my 16" gas saw. Won't say it was easy, but it powered through. Electrics are limited by their operating current - usually 15 Amps or less. They just don't have the punch for large logs or heavy felling - let alone running all day long. There's also the concern about live electric cords strewn around your outside work area.
For small timber and limbing work, electric models can get the job done. Plus there's no gas to mix, no oil to fill, much quieter in operation, and no smell (unless you burn up the motor or cord). But I'm surrounded by forest, which requires regular thinning. Hauling around a generator and 200' of cord is just not practical. If all you want to do is buck firewood near your electrified woodshed, this might be your best option. If you intend to use your saw frequently, though, I'd say a smaller gas model would be the better choice.