I'm not sure if Coleman makes anything. "They" certainly do no make generators. They may have just dropped the line and parts as its over a certain number of years and not required to stock parts. You could check the generator and try to find out the actual maker and model. With that you can try to get drawings for the part and a part number to search the net. You may run into some old stock or the part may still be available. If the unit is no longer made by that maker chances are they may make another unit similar to yours which has the same charger.
Check the charger unit. Is it one piece or made up of several components? There should be maker number on the components. If it was just a bridge rectifier or diodes then you can get replacements online.
Your question was where would you find one. You''d have to ID what you have, the component or components that failed and google around for them. In the Boston area we have U-DOIT, Active and a few others but these days they have slimmed down their in-house stock. Going on line is the best option after you ID what component and what it's part number is.
It occurred to me that the non-charging could be due to connections & etc. What have you done for testing and isolation of the issue? What is the model number of the unit, the Coleman number (not marketing name, Coleman product number?
The charger may be internal to the engine. ? Tough to say without knowing what you have. There are a number of factory model numbers for that marketing name.
This message was modified Jun 27, 2013 by trouts2