Joined: Nov 15, 2010
Points: 279
Re: Honda FRC800 Rototiller
Reply #3 Apr 22, 2012 6:43 am |
Thanks for the kind words guys. The re-paint on the tiller was pretty straight forward since there was no rust only badly faded paint and some dirt/grease and grime . This tiller isn't very old, it is a 2005 but was kept in a sun porch facing south so other than the faded paint it was in great shape. Yes new they are pricy at around 2600 dollars, that is why i jumped at the deal.
I was looking for a tiller on CL and found an add that wanted to trade this frc800 for a two stage snow blower. Since i had picked up the old Ariens to clean up and sell anyway it was a no brainer.