One end of that spring hooks in a hole in the bottom of the arm for the "drive" idler pulley.
The other end of the spring looks in a hole in the side of the housing just above the right wheel axle. It's just a hole or slot. You will be able to see the end of the spring hook on the outside of the housing
above the right axle after you install it. It is possible to get the spring put back on without taking the blower housing off but it's a tight fit.
There is no linkage to move the idler pulley for the "drive" belt tension. The "drive" belt idler pulley is always in contact with the belt. It is always under tension. Unlike the idler pulley for the "blower"
belt. That pulley is only in contact with the belt when you depress the handle. When you release the handle the pulley pulls away from the belt and the blower (impeller and auger) stop spinning.
If you try and pull the idler pulley for the "drive" belt away from the belt you should feel a lot of tension. That is, if the spring is in place and working. If you grab the pulley and it moves easily
away from the belt. The spring is not in place. And that is why the drive system is not working. The belt is simply slipping around the pulley's.
This message was modified Feb 11, 2012 by jrtrebor