Abby’s Guide > Outdoor Power Equipment (Lawn Mowers, Snow Blowers, Chain Saws and more) > Discussions > Yardman 5hp, 21" SS vs Toro CCR2000 SS
Outdoor Power Equipment (Lawn Mowers, Snow Blowers, Chain Saws and more) Discussions |
Joined: Nov 28, 2008
Points: 2434
Re: Yardman 5hp, 21" SS vs Toro CCR2000 SS
Reply #11 Feb 6, 2012 6:11 am |
The Toro has a triangle brace running from the lower handlebar over to a triangle brace mounted on the cowling recoil. The MTD has a couple of inch horizontal brace bolted to the intake housing running to the engine cowling and cross machine lower brace. It’s a nice stiff support. Both are strong but the MTD better. The MTD allows access to the recoil and gas tank.
I'm glad the engine on the Toro Powerlite is supported at the crankshaft and the recoil cowl. These two points should at least be the bare minimum of engine support. I would be leary of crankshaft support only unless if it is really beefy. When you have a flooded engine, the recoil rope can put a lot of cantiliver forces on the engine crankcase engine mount. The MTD engine mount seems very solid. The forces of recoil and engine torque is braced by triangulated members. These are the same as the Honda SS. Having unobstructed access to the recoil housing is nice on these.
This message was modified Feb 6, 2012 by aa335
Joined: Nov 9, 2007
Points: 2692
Re: Yardman 5hp, 21" SS vs Toro CCR2000 SS
Reply #13 Feb 6, 2012 6:35 am |
I just weighed both machines with some very accurate American Tourister luggage scales. MTD was 59.6 lbs. the Craftsman was ten pounds heavier at 69.6 lbs. Both machines clean with no snow/moisture on them and both full of fuel. Ten pounds difference. The MTD is Yard Machine 31A-260-516 with no electric start. The Craftsman has electric start. Trust me. There is a major difference in how both machines get the job done. The Craftsman is, hands down, better at throwing snow. The MTD might be able to match it if it had more weight but as it is, it doesn't.
This message was modified Feb 6, 2012 by borat
Location: Marlboro MA
Joined: Dec 7, 2007
Points: 1328
Re: Yardman 5hp, 21" SS vs Toro CCR2000 SS
Reply #16 Feb 6, 2012 7:17 am |
>>>I just weighed both machines with some very accurate American Tourister luggage scales. MTD was 59.6 lbs. Just checked your MTD model and it’s very close to mine. Mine has electric start so that might be the difference. My Craftsman is a 3/21 so some weight there. Mine has electric start. Oops, just thought of the amount of gas in the tanks would make a difference. >>>Trust me. Their is a major difference in how both machines get the job done. I believe you, it’s the reasons. Weight could be it. ?? As aa335 mentioned how the weight is distributed would be a factor along with handles and other things. Ten lbs will make a difference on a big two stage. There’s more leverage there but weight would be a factor for the SS’s. Just checked the Craftsman weight again and it’s the same. Not much gas in the tank. Without question the weight on the MTD is much more forward compared to the Craftsman. The Craftsman tips backwards with the handle falling to the ground on the slightest bump in front. If I just lower the handles slightly it will fall backwards. The MTD goes forward from a much lower position. The weight on Craftsman is pretty much over the wheels and on the MTD forward of the wheels. Maybe my Craftsman is build different. If your’s does not fall back with a couple of inch tilt to the handle then it’s different. The angle of the handle bar to the machine is the same on both at least on my machines.