Just wanted to ask a quick question. Someone asked me for advice on a snowblower, in their price range considering all dealers within the region most brands were out except those by MTD and AYP. The exception towards the upper end at the price limit was the John Deere 1028E and a Craftsman professional. So Ariens, Honda, Toro, Snapper, Simplicity are all out and the used selection is quite poor at the moment.
I don't know what is available for options in the U.S. compared to Canada but this Craftsman professional from the picture looks like it could be a Snapper/Simplicity blower? It has the B&S engine with a cast iron gear case, steel chute and many other features. The chute looks very similar but the bucket is 27" wide with a height of 18.75". I can spot the MTD and AYP one's easily by looking at them by Craftsman.
Spec was similar on both with the same B&S engine (305 CC 14.5 trq) with the exception the Craftsman Professional was regular price quite a bit more and on sale for the same price and comes with more options (heated handles, power chute,.....)
Anyone have insight on who makes that particular line of Craftsman professional blowers? Any thoughts on the 1028E by JD/F as compared to this craftsman model?
This message was modified Jan 3, 2012 by srgallan