>>.Tecumseh engine......parts availibiity being a concern.
Interesting issue given the .5 part of the 11.5 model. Ariens owners manual spec's section lists the engine as OHSK115-221802A. I can't find anything about this engine or a parts listing for >ANY< OHSK115.
There are models close, 22180x, which you can produce a parts listing at partstree.com. Those models are SA's not OHSK's with 318 blocks which the 11.5 should be. The parts are probably interchangable. If you were that concerned about it you could ask the seller for the engine number off the cowling and see exactly what's on there. If you do that please post what it is.
NOTE:The HMSK80 and HMSK85, both used the same piston, rings and carburetor. It's probably the same for the HMSK110 and HMSK115.
This message was modified Dec 21, 2011 by trouts2