How important is auger/impeller size Original Message Dec 10, 2011 8:53 am
In relation to the other things....tranny, horsepower, chute controls, etc.
A bigger bucket + larger auger/impeller = more snow removal. What if it's the latter - smaller bucket. What struck me as off is one unit I saw awhile that comes to mind. Honda 724 Trax - has a smaller bucket height, 10" impeller, smaller augers...
Re: How important is auger/impeller size Reply #6 Dec 11, 2011 9:11 am
mobiledynamics wrote:
Borat. You seem to have worked on these machines alot. It's my understading if I recall, the chassis is the same on ALL their machines - except for bucket, and engine. Well, other than the 724trax....which has a different chute, impeller.. Do you know if one was to acquire a 724 or even a older 624, woud it relatively plug-play on dropping a GX270, etc...without alot of modding...
Never owned a Honda. So I can't help you there.
The guy to ask would be Trouts2. He's pretty familiar with Hondas.