Frankenblower... Original Message Nov 18, 2011 4:25 pm
If you could take the best parts/designs/features from different 2 stage snow throwers and create the best of the best, what would you use? Who's engine? Impeller? Chute design? Drive system? Steering? Chute controls? Auger and Drive controls? Frame? Accessories? Etc? I know most of us have favorites but I have to admit I find that I like certain things about certain machines. I don't really mean that this has to be parts that would actually bolt together, just kind of a best-of-all design concept. And don't just say brand or model xxx is perfect just the way it is. If you feel that way that's cool. But this question is not meant for that . We're trying to take all of our experience and build something that hasn't been done yet. Lets stick to 2 stage with wheels in an average bucket size to kind of limit the scope of this project. ( I know...I've got too much time on my hands while waiting for snow!)