That's a whole lot of accessories on that snowblower. Looks like a boyscout all loaded up for an expedition. What do you have in those pouches?
I think there's still room for a winch, portable air compressor, a spare tire.
LOL, it does kind of look like that doesn't it. The bag on the left holds the battery for the powered chute motors. I haven't hooked those in to the electrical
system yet. Want to make sure that it's working properly before doing that. The small bag on the right. Has a ratchet, wrench, drift punch, spare fuses and
sheer pins. I snow blow a few city sidewalks. So I carry that stuff with me. In case I suck up something I shouldn't and I'm 2 blocks from home.
Thankfully I've never broken a pin.
A Winch... hummmmm.
This message was modified Nov 16, 2011 by jrtrebor