She has been to the dealer. The Toro 1028OXE was by far the easiest for her to maneuver. However, she wasn't keen on the build over the Ariens. Now if we go with a 28 Deluxe, it has the 250cc engine, same as the 24 Deluxe/Platinum. Is that engine undersized for a 28??
Also if I could order a Husqvarna 14527E that seems like it may be the best of all words for me.
- 305 cc
- Hydrostatic
- Power steering (similar to the Toro)
- High Speed Impeller
My question is the disc style auger. Any benefit? I see its only on their higher end Crown Series.
Well I have the Toro 1028OXE and my wife is 84 lbs. and she has no problem using the Toro. This will be our 3rd yaer with the Toro and it looks like it will need a belt adjustment as a christmas wreath made up mostly of wire got pulled in and apparantly I ran it for a long time before realizing the auger was clogged up It never snaped a shear pin. I pryed it out and it was a bit down on throw power so the dealer is tuning it up. The controls need to be adjusted every year. Everything is as solid as when we bought it. It's thrown 2-3" chunks of loose granite 20-30 feet and still works like new. It ate a lot of plastic fence that is hidden under the snow, although I was careful you just can't see it with 20" of snow on a 10" high plastic fence. 
So it's very durable and we have videos on YouTube of my wife starting it with 1 pull first time in the season.
I always hear that Toro's aren't reliable but I don't hear that from anyone who owns one.
New videos this year as I have a full HD camcorder. 
This message was modified Oct 9, 2011 by Steve_Cebu
"If you have more miles on your snow blower than your car, you live in New England." "If you can drive 75 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard without flinching, you live in New England."