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Outdoor Power Equipment (Lawn Mowers, Snow Blowers, Chain Saws and more) Discussions |
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Honda HS520 vs Toro 621 This is the last snowblower question I ask......I promise :)
Original Message Oct 4, 2011 7:51 pm |
Hello everyone,
I've decided between 2 snowblowers:
Toro 621 ZR ($760) Honda HS520 ($840) These two are available locally and I know I will be able to get parts in the future. This might not be the case with other brands being sold in town, so I really want to stick with the Toro or the Honda.
I don't want a 2 stage (we don't get that much snow here).
I'm leaning towards the Honda, but just want to make sure I'm not making a mistake and should be getting the less expensive Toro. I'm not worried about electric start, and the "quick shoot" is not important to me. The Toro I have selected has the same features as the Honda (handle on the chute, recoil start).
Which one would you buy (let's assume the prices are the same, as the difference in cost is not important to me). I want something that will perform well, and last for many years.
Thanks very much James
Joined: Sep 10, 2011
Points: 14
Re: Honda HS520 vs Toro 621 This is the last snowblower question I ask......I promise :)
Reply #3 Oct 5, 2011 7:26 am |
You guys are killing me. I was hoping you would pick the Honda, as the Toro 621 is big and bloated, and will be a tight squeeze in my small garage. It's crazy how much bigger the Toro is, even though it's the same engine size, especially the height. I wanted to park the blower under a crawlspace in the garage, and the toro wont' fit. The Honda will.......
Jeesh, maybe I'm better off looking at the small 418 87cc Toro again, as I can buy one of those locally for $360 (HomeDepot price match with a local dealer).
Back to the drawing board.....unless we can get some Honda supporters in here :)
Joined: Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Honda HS520 vs Toro 621 This is the last snowblower question I ask......I promise :)
Reply #4 Oct 5, 2011 8:03 am |
You guys are killing me. I was hoping you would pick the Honda, as the Toro 621 is big and bloated, and will be a tight squeeze in my small garage. It's crazy how much bigger the Toro is, even though it's the same engine size, especially the height. I wanted to park the blower under a crawlspace in the garage, and the toro wont' fit. The Honda will.......
Jeesh, maybe I'm better off looking at the small 418 87cc Toro again, as I can buy one of those locally for $360 (HomeDepot price match with a local dealer).
Back to the drawing board.....unless we can get some Honda supporters in here :)
James You're free to gamble $360 to make a discovery on the Toro 418. Although the overall package is well thought out, there's no masking the fact that it is underpowered. If your local dealer match price with Home Depot, support your local dealer. I agree that the Toro 621 is a bloated machine. Parked next to my Honda HS621, I often wonder why does the Toro have to be so big. One thing you need to consider is the Toro has a two piece handle that can be folded down easily by loosening two knobs by hand, the Honda HS520 handle is one piece that you have to take off two bolts. Check again to see which one fits better under your crawl space, with the handles folded down. I'm a Honda supporter, but when it comes between a HS520 and a Toro 621, the Toro gets my vote. The HS520 is two generations behind the Toro 621. Below is a picture of my two favorite single stage snowblowers. Note that the Honda on the left is a HS621, not HS520. 
This message was modified Oct 5, 2011 by aa335
Joined: Sep 10, 2011
Points: 14
Re: Honda HS520 vs Toro 621 This is the last snowblower question I ask......I promise :)
Reply #5 Oct 5, 2011 8:34 am |
Thanks for the reply, and for taking time to post that picture. I notice that's a Honda 621 on the left. Do you know if the 621 is bigger than the 520? There doesn't seem to be much of a size difference from that photo, but the 520 seemed much smaller than the 621 when I saw them at the store. Having said that, they were at 2 different dealers, so perhaps I'm remembering the Honda to be smaller than it really is. I'm tempted to gamble on the Toro 418, as the price is low and it's probably going to work well for the type of snow we get in Calgary. Last year, I had a Toro Powercurve 1800 electric model that seemed to handle most of the snowfalls without any issues. There were a couple of instances where I had to rock it back and forth, but other than that, it handled everything quite well. There were probably 3 snowfalls that were wet/heavy where it took a bit more time to blow, but it was still much faster than using a shovel. I would still have it for this year, but there was an electrical short in the handle and Toro refunded my money instead of fixing/replacing it. I found the power cord a hassle to deal with, and it's only $70 more for the 418 model, which is why I'm looking at gas model. From the 418, I've managed to upsell myself to the 621 and Honda 520 although I'm not really sure if I need it. I'm not overly concerned with how long it takes me to get the driveway done, I just want something reliable and also something that will last a few years. I guess at $360 for the 418, if it lasts for 3 years, the cost is $120 per year to use it. The honda and Toro would have to last 7 years to replicate that. Assuming parts for the Toro like augers, scraper bars are still available (I hope they are not changing the design of consumable parts each time they release a new model) it might not be a bad way to go. For reference, I would say 1 in every 20 houses around here have a snowblower. We do get snow frequently (we are only 60 miles from the Rocky Mountains) and we can get big dumpings, but it's rarely the wet/heavy stuff that people out east have to deal with. I guess I should also be looking at the base models of the 621 (I don't really care about the fancy features like the quick shoot handle and zip deflector) as I can get a base model 621 for $620 (with electric start) or $560 (recoil start). That puts the price right in the middle of the smaller 418 and fully loaded 621. Also, it looks like the base model 621 (38451/38452)has a metal auger versus a plastic one on the higher models, which might be more durable. James
This message was modified Oct 5, 2011 by Mr_Pacman
Joined: Nov 28, 2008
Points: 2434
Re: Honda HS520 vs Toro 621 This is the last snowblower question I ask......I promise :)
Reply #6 Oct 5, 2011 8:49 am |
I don't have a side to side picture comparing the two, but perhaps this one will show how it is very lean.  The HS621 is slightly wider by about 1.5 inches due to the belt cover on the left side. Other than that, it is smaller in other dimensions. In my picture, the HS621 is in front and closer to the camera, so it doesn't look smaller, but it is. It's weird, by itself, the HS621 gives an optical illusion that it is bigger, but compared to any of today's 4 stroke 21" snowblower, it is physically compact. If you don't have any issues power wise with the electric Toro 1800, maybe the Toro 418 might work for you. It will be heavier, noisier, but you don't have to deal with the frozen electric cord.
This message was modified Oct 5, 2011 by aa335
Location: Merrimack Valley/Northeastern Mass
Joined: Jun 30, 2010
Points: 587
Re: Honda HS520 vs Toro 621 This is the last snowblower question I ask......I promise :)
Reply #7 Oct 5, 2011 8:50 am |
I'm selling my HS520 in a couple of weeks because I bought a nice used HS621 at the end of last season. The OHC engine in the HS520 is anemic (IMO) compared to the OHV in the HS621. I have not a had a chance to use my new to me HS621 but it has the same engine that was in my old Honda HS624WA 2 stage that I used for 10 years. That engine in a single stage has to be winner. I'd go for the Toro if it was my decision and I love Honda power equipment, just not the HS520.
Toro Wheel Horse 522xi GT, Honda HS928TA, Honda HS621AS, Honda HS520A, Toro CCR3000 (work in progress), Honda HS624WA (sold 08/23/2010), Stihl BR550 Backpack Blower, Stihl MS250, McCulloch MS1635, Honda EM6500SX Generator
Joined: Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Honda HS520 vs Toro 621 This is the last snowblower question I ask......I promise :)
Reply #8 Oct 5, 2011 8:59 am |
I'm selling my HS520 in a couple of weeks because I bought a nice used HS621 at the end of last season. The OHC engine in the HS520 is anemic (IMO) compared to the OHV in the HS621. I have not a had a chance to use my new to me HS621 but it has the same engine that was in my old Honda HS624WA 2 stage that I used for 10 years. That engine in a single stage has to be winner. I'd go for the Toro if it was my decision and I love Honda power equipment, just not the HS520. Sorry to hijack this thread James, FrankMA, congrats on the HS621 acquisition! Again, you have to wait a few months to go on a honeymoon with your new toy.  How's that Toro CCR3000? I'm still keeping my eye out for a nice one that doesn't cost $350.
This message was modified Oct 5, 2011 by aa335
Location: Merrimack Valley/Northeastern Mass
Joined: Jun 30, 2010
Points: 587
Re: Honda HS520 vs Toro 621 This is the last snowblower question I ask......I promise :)
Reply #9 Oct 5, 2011 10:46 am |
Sorry to hijack this thread James, FrankMA, congrats on the HS621 acquisition! Again, you have to wait a few months to go on a honeymoon with your new toy.  How's that Toro CCR3000? I'm still keeping my eye out for a nice one that doesn't cost $350. Yeah, once again I managed to aquire a nice snow machine and have to wait before I can use it.... I never got that CCR3000 going for any appreciable time before springtime rolled around and other OPE equipment took center stage. A new carb ($ 180.00) is insane considering I only paid $ 40.00 for the machine so I'll continue to tinker with it in a few weeks or so.
Here's a shot of my new to me HS621AS - no beauty queen but pretty enough! 
James: I agree with aa335 that if an electric Powercurve 1800 did most of what you asked of it, then the 418 would probably work just as well if not better. For some reason I was under the impression that you would have gotten more snow than what you describe.
This message was modified Oct 5, 2011 by FrankMA
Toro Wheel Horse 522xi GT, Honda HS928TA, Honda HS621AS, Honda HS520A, Toro CCR3000 (work in progress), Honda HS624WA (sold 08/23/2010), Stihl BR550 Backpack Blower, Stihl MS250, McCulloch MS1635, Honda EM6500SX Generator