I wondered how to come up with a good pressure washer myself as I borrowed a lot of junk from friends which was frustrating
What I ended up thinking was...
"Who makes a good pump/valve body"
Then I thought what about John Deer they have them on all there equipment and have been making them for years!
"Who makes a good small motor" Of course HONDA came to mind....
I researched them online and Yes JD had pressure washers and Yes they had HONDA motors!
Well I went down to the local dealership to check them out and came home with a real nice one!
It has a 5 HP Honda on there BUT the VALVE BODY...well it is huge...like 1/2 the size of the Honda motor or more
and it just works Perfectly and powerful as all get out...Here is a picture of mine...Originally the motor was all black
but when I lent it out people kept on leaning on the muffler and getting burnt when pulling to start it...A little CHEVY Orange solves that
"Dont touch the Orange!"
Look at that valve body..now that's a pump!
This message was modified Dec 11, 2012 by BeerZman