How do you fix gas leaking from float bowl? Original Message May 21, 2011 4:36 pm
My Troy-Bilt chipper vac was working like a charm today but suddenly shut down. It's powered by a 5hp Tecumseh and was not under a load at the time. Almost immediately I noticed gas leaking profusely from the bottom of the choke bowl. I shut off the in-line fuel valve to stop the leak. Before I shut off the fuel I tried to start it but no luck. And thoughts. I'm hopeful that this is something simple to fix. Thanks for any help, Paul.
Re: How do you fix gas leaking from float bowl? Reply #5 Jun 2, 2011 10:43 am
Okay this was unexpected. I went to the store this morning and bought carb cleaner and a tube of gasket maker. Planned to pull and clean the carb, identify any failing parts, etc. Before I started I turned the fuel valve to the "on" position and to my surprise the fuel didn't start leaking out of the carb like it did previously. I figured what the heck and went to start it. Started right up, no leaks, used it for about 45 problems. Do things like this fix themselves? Should I leave well enough alone?
Location: London Ont
Joined: Dec 1, 2007
Points: 354
Re: How do you fix gas leaking from float bowl? Reply #6 Jun 2, 2011 7:38 pm
hey paul...
your needle and seat need replacing... most likely dirt is getting between the needle and seat..but l would replace both of them/ also repalce the bowl o ring, they only cost a few bucks and u should be able to just buy the needle/seat/o ring as a kit.. make sure u replace your fuel line as well and add a inline fuel filter, that should solve your problems...the engine may work for now but most likely it will happen again.