Pessure washers are put together units from different manufacturers of components regardless of who's Brand appears on the label. I bought an off brand unit by American Turbo Pressure Washers over the net because it had the right components. Honda GX engine, Comet Pump (I called Comet and found out that the specific pump was rebuildable), a powder coated frame with inflatable tires, a 25' hose , and a trigger wand with four different spray nozzles. The unit also has a temperature bypass valve on the pump which allows fresh water to flow through the pump if you let the engine run while not spraying. If you do this since the pump is turning against the closed trigger valve the temp goes up. The temp reaches a certain level and the valve opens letting fresh water cool the pump.
The pumps are rated in hours and the Comet on mine is rated at 1000 hrs min. The tech at Comet said if you check the oil level in the pump crank case and fill the pump with anti freeze if stored in an unheated shed the pump will last 2 or 3 times the thousand hours before needing a rebuild. If you don't use the anti freeze in the unheated shed scenario and there is residual water in the pump it's toast the following spring.
I saved $200 off of similarly equipped national brands at the time. Blank carts are available on the net so you can buy components and "roll your own" but you won't save any money.
The quality of the components are what counts- For what it's worth my research found that Karcher was of lesser quality than most. PS- In addition to what Longboat said regarding Comet and Cat being quality pumps General is also in their class. Marc
This message was modified Jun 30, 2011 by mml4
SnapperV210P,Toro22177,TroyBilt42010Snowthrower,Craftsman Shredder,American Turbo Pressure Washer HondaGX200,Stihl011Saw,EchoPas260Trimmer Edger,EchoPB602Blower,EchoHCR150Hedge Clipper