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help with a Bolens snowblower restoration
Original Message   Jan 31, 2005 7:26 am
My friend  who is moving to CA has given me his snowblower.   It is a 1978 Bolens with 8 hp Tecumseh engine.  ( the engine was replaced in the early 90s). 

I havent  got the serial numbers or model numbers off it yet  ( it is currently stored in another friends garage.) .   but does anybody  know if parts are still avaiable for this unit. or an owners manaual?

My friend told me the motor was running when he stored it but it has not been run it  5 plus years !  .   He said he stopped using it because " the impeller was clanking around in the bucket housing !"   . what might be the cause of that   ????

The other things Ican see need attention are two flat tires . How do you fix those???    the box that covers the carb is not attached  .

and when I pulled the starter rope to see if the motor was siezed  the motor seemed to turn over but  the rope didnt retract.    any ideas on that. 

Do you think this one is worth saving ?     I had good luck restoring my  yardman   (whith help fom this group)   but in that case i just unstuck the motor and repaired some minor parts.

Providing  Ican get the motor running     I am guessing some sort of bearing is gone which is causing the impeller to clank around in the housing.   is this a hard repair??

Any  first thoughts from you guys/gals.   and we will go from there.

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MTD  4.5 HP single stage snow thrower
Snapper 3 HP single stage snow thrower
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Re: help with a Bolens snowblower restoration
Reply #11   Feb 5, 2005 1:01 pm
engine will need a carb kit..632347 should fit and possibly a bowl and float.starter is just a rusty spring most likley ,replacement is cheep if necessary.

the impeller will probably need a bearing and you will also need a few belts and a friction wheel is a posibitlty.

if the impeller shaft is not damaged from the bearing going bad (many do get scored quite bad).i would repair the machine.

a bolens of that year is a quality machine and it was well before would have a hard time finding one as heavy as that now.lotsa steel in those.

the tires can either be replaced with sno hogs (my choice ) or put in some tubes .a bit of paint and you will have a machine to be proud of .

later chrsi

craftsman 10/28 snowblower with tracks   husky 372xpg chainsaw   sachs dolmar bc212 bushsaw   mondo trimmer   monster tractor with trailer    cheep wheelbarro and couple shovels and a partridge in a pear tree 
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