Abby’s Guide > Outdoor Power Equipment (Lawn Mowers, Snow Blowers, Chain Saws and more) > Discussions > What color is the premix you use?
Outdoor Power Equipment (Lawn Mowers, Snow Blowers, Chain Saws and more) Discussions |
Those who accept self-deception will perish by it. Shakespeare said "to thine own self be true".
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Re: What color is the premix you use?
Reply #17 Jan 30, 2005 2:25 am |
I found a post on another board which claims that synthetic Mobil MX2T does not contain a dye at all. I've never used it so I can't say of my own knowledge. If true, and a yellow-colored fuel was mixed with it, a yellow-colored premix would be the result. AZ
Snowblower...Toro Power Max 726te 2004 Lawn tractor...AYP w/ 14.5 Briggs-42in 2000
Joined: Oct 13, 2002
Points: 791
Re: What color is the premix you use?
Reply #18 Jan 30, 2005 2:46 am |
Thanks Walt....Thats what I had imagined would come in a Toro box. I cant imagine Toro shipping special crates too the box...just so they could put a different bottle of oil in them. But people still insist that the "yellow" stuff came with thier units.  As life goes.....I happened too have a HD customer with a new Murray come in too ask if his unit "sounded funny". (It was fine....his neighbor just got him worked up about it...some nonsense about Tecumseh engines blowing up prematurely.  ) We have a turkey baster under the front counter, and I have the write-up people draw a sample of the fuel out of the tank in front of the customer. (It helps save the 30 dollar check out fee if fuel mixture questions come up in a disputed warrenty claim.) My young assistant...(being the bright young lad that he is)....recognized the yellow mix immediately and came back and got me. I explained too the customer what I had been seeing and he told me that he had the same question pop into his head when he put the oil in the mix. He also was used too seeing colored mixes in his other equiptment. I asked him if he still had the bottle of mix at home...which he did....found it in the garbage can...and he called me back and said that bottle was labeled "Murray...5.2 oz.....Made in China." Perhaps the Chinese oil doesnt contain a dye? That helps explain part of the question...but it doesnt explain why this oil would show up in a toro crate...and like you said, Walt....yours was the normal blue color. (Big Box wouldnt switch the stuff and put the more expensive Toro oil on the shelf for retail....Would they? (Just a paranoid thought  ) Thanks for all your help guys....I appreciate your help in clearing up this little mystery.
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. -T. Roosevelt
Location: Chester County, PA
Joined: Dec 30, 2004
Points: 148
Re: What color is the premix you use?
Reply #19 Jan 30, 2005 2:56 am |
Lint, Perhaps their unit was "on the floor" when they bought it and "Brand new", but already assembled...I know that the manuals that get hung on the floor units have starter cables laying around, OIL BOTTLES kicked under the blower next to it, etc., missing manuals from disrespectful customers. Hence, Homer may have replaced the oil with stabilizer in it with one from their general inventory because it had fallen out of the bag. My box for my 3650 was still "stapled" so I know it was most likely what was shipped from Toro. Best regards, Walt