A friend of mine has an 8524 Ariens LE with a Tecumseh L-Head bought at a box store last year. The machine runs well but suffers the well known surges and pops attendent to the fixed jet carbs.
Are the old style adjustable jet carbs. still available? will the governor on the newer engines bolt up?
If the answer to these questions is no then can we richen them up by reaming the jet with a jet ream? I had two Harleys bought new in the mid 80's with those g-d awful Keihin carburetors. The first thing we did to those bikes was to ream the jet 1 to two sizes larger in order to rihen them up. If the answer is no do the go kart guys have any aftermarket carbs that will adapt to our engines that have adjustable main jets?
This message was modified Jan 29, 2005 by mml4
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