Location: Michigan - 3 hours north of Chicago on the lake
Joined: Feb 9, 2010
Points: 539
Impeller and housing clearance
Original Message Jan 12, 2011 6:28 pm |
Ran across this tonight on the tractorbynet.com forum. Thought it was tidbit of interesting information.
"I rebuilt my snowblower this past summer, including putting a new band inside the drum because I was getting a lot of leakage due to wear on the impeller blades and the drum was bowed out from too many stones. I ground the impeller blades to fit the new drum diameter, leaving 0.020" clearance. We have only had one small snowfall so I haven't had a chance to give it a good workout, but with the little bit of snow we had, it worked great - it threw medium wet snow about 40 feet. I went to the shop where my snowblower was made and was told that for a two-stage snowblower, the impeller should pick up a dime from the bottom of the drum and carry it on edge to the point of dischage a quater turn later. I was also told that when it got to the point that the impeller could not pick up and carry a quarter, it was time to rebuild. I had over a quarter of an inch clearance so I rebuilt".