Toro 826 and EOD slush Original Message Jan 9, 2011 3:29 pm
I just bought a two stage toro826 last month. Yesterday, I used it on our first snow of the year. Worked great on the snow, threw it some 40 feet or so. When I got to the EOD stuff the plow left, things changed. The plow left a nice mixture of snow that had turned into slush. All that stuff got stuck in the chute and plugged up everything. Is that normal for a two stage snowblower? How can you fix it?
Re: Toro 826 and EOD slush Reply #6 Jan 9, 2011 9:26 pm
One other thing I have heard is temperature of equipment affects sticking. I have heard that blowers stored outside have less problems than ones stored in heated areas. Something about the warmer metal melting the snow as it goes through and causing it to stick.