Gentlemen.......... start your engines.
It's looking like the best conditions in a long time. Very cold, dry and 10-18 expected in centeral eastern Mass.
The marketing guys spec machine distance at the low side for cover. 3 to 45 feet. Three being safe from their point of vew. But the high side usually a fanticy. Maybe not. They have to spec fairly honestly so how to they get those big numbers? The must test in the very best of conditions. But what are those:
The best texture of snow. The best texture of snow would would not happen often over years in most places.
The best quantity of snow texture so density and height would be a target with texture.
Once you have the target texture and quantitiy from density and height you have to get it in and out in the best way. The drive speed becomes critical so the speed selector set at the optimal travel speed regardless of bucket spill over the top or too the side. That's not a factor in a distance test. So specific speed a key contributor to the mix.
Engine RPM is set to the best advantage which is the high side of the rating. Most are 3600 +-200 so the marketing guys have the techs set testing machines at 3800 on the noze.
The result of the above produces the greatest tossing distance and the high figure for marketing claims.
Is that what everyone will get with their machine? Many think so. The high side is a marketing reality based fanticy. BUT, this storm could give us all a chance to come close to marketing conditions. Good light snow, cold, not even the salt in the road will have its usual effect. Going through EOD this storm will be cake compared to lesser wet snow that always happens here. The machines here are tweaked to MAX REV+ and ready.
Since getting an HS80 with a bogus bucket it's been frustraing not being able to get it ready. To aleviate withdrawals a few machines were picked up and sweet they are. Two tracks 11 and 6hp. The 624 is nice as it a version that is a junior of the 1132. It has the same components only in a junior size. Other 6's were a completely different design. This one is pure Honda and shares blood line with other true Hondas. All the important components "where used" return all its big brothers.
The 6 is backed up by an HS724 L-head G300 which is the earlier version of the GX so has the same features. It sounds great and just like the newer OHV's. It's a wheeled and unlike the other two which are hydro drive it uses a friction disk. It's about the best disk setup in the business and only cowtow's to Yamaha. Some wide wheels were around so got mounted and a nice addition. It's so nice it's already made me drop my lust for tracks. Next in line is an HS928 which I think is the biggest motor you can get in a wheeled version.
Gassed and pointed at snow the sled dog in the Honda is ready to go. This storm will probalby net the high water mark for a few machines kicking around this year. For comparison there are 3 1028s here and a 1030. The snow should be excellent for at least three days before temps get above 30 so lots of test time. Throw in to the neighbors drive then toss it back in yours. Keep it going for days.