searched high and low and this seemed to be the only site that had a "snowblower" section
anyway, I have an OLD Bradford 3 stage 26 inch snowblower (from my research "Bradford was the brand name of some department store thats long gone). After more research it seems that the manufacturer could be AMF which became Murray which is now out of business.
Now on to my question. I am trying to remove the auger assembly to repair the LH auger cause someone used regular bolts not sheer pins :(
I have split the Auger bucket from the frame
looking at the pulley i noticed two set screws which i removed.
I am wondering if this is all i need to remove before tryin to pull the pulley off?
of course it being an old machine its not just sliding off, should i use a puller?
any help would be appreciated.
Al Picture of the beast
This message was modified Dec 12, 2010 by AAlvarez