New to the stable is a wounded HS828. The base, drive, gearbox, augers and controls are fine. The bucket is in horrible shape. I think the open part is not just from rust but from stones rubbing. The edges are pointing out like stones and snow were forced out bending the edges away from the housing. It seems the thing was used way after the tear started. The bottom edge of the bucket is in bad shape also i.e. chewed off. The guy must have used it in the weight forward position on a gravel drive or uneven cement stones. ?? Surprising is the bottom of the sides are in good shape.
A new bucket lists at $860 so that's out. I paid half of what the GX240 is worth. How can the bucket be fixed? Rivet a circular plate in there? Cut out 1/2 inch back from the open parts say a long 2-3 inche wide section the length of the worn through part and have a piece welded in? I can probably come up with an old bucket I could cut to make a filler strip. What's the way to go about this? I don't have a welder and don't know anything about welding or riveting. The metal on either side of the tear is strong and could be welded. Is there any new miracle product like improved fiberglass that would hold and wear?
This message was modified Jan 4, 2011 by trouts2