I was finally offered a bit of a deal locally on the manual-start HS928. $200. off,,, so $3199. Not bad I guess. Mind you, tax adds $500. roughly.
I also got a Yamaha dealer to knock off $200. on the new YS928J, and I think that's the machine I'm going to go with. It's a beauty, and soooo quiet. $4350 tax incl. I saw used Yamaha YS828's that were pre 1995 models, and those were still selling for $2300.+ tx incl. They didn't have any of the fancy stuff you see on the new YS929J.
You won't need the electric starter - these engines turn over on the 1st or 2nd pull every time if they are properly maintained.
Toro Wheel Horse 522xi GT, Honda HS928TA, Honda HS621AS, Honda HS520A, Toro CCR3000 (work in progress), Honda HS624WA (sold 08/23/2010), Stihl BR550 Backpack Blower, Stihl MS250, McCulloch MS1635, Honda EM6500SX Generator