Did you say Honda? Have you looked at the Honda lately? Just kidding...
I'm sure Simplicity has models below $1700 if you don't want to spend that much and worry about the electric chute, look at the intermediate dual stage models. I also suggest you look at the Deere 827E which is around $1100. It has manual crank chute. This model is in line with the Ariens you currently have, solid model without excess frills.
I like both the Deere and Simplicity snowblowers. The P1524E that you are interested in was one of my favorite models in consideration while I was shopping for a showblower. It was high quality, compact, and powerful. The Deere 1330SE is a sweet machine. They costs more, but they do have something more to offer.
I don't have any worries about the electric chute motors. As long as you don't abuse, neglect, and leave your snowblower outside in the elements without some cover or shelter. Is there any reason why you can't bring your snowblower in a warmer storage like the garage?
This message was modified Oct 16, 2010 by aa335