Joined: Mar 4, 2004
Points: 751
Chainsaw Starting/Running Problem
Original Message Feb 19, 2007 3:29 pm |
I have a Stihl 026 which has been seeing a lot of service recently, I've been going through about 10 tanks of gas per weekend for the last three weekends, genrally in -10C to -20C weather, I use fresh gas that was mixed recently and a new spark plug. The problem is that after running through a tank or so I start having problems starting and idling. I've put a new air filter on and that seemed to clear the problem up for a while. I also brush the filter out whenever I refuel. I've even cleaned it using hot hater and soap. Each thing seems to help for a while but the time frame is getting shorter and shorter. One time this weekend just past when I was having trouble starting I took the filter up and it started on the next pull. When I put the filter back on it was fine for about 1/2 tank. At about $30.00CDN per filter I don't want to have to buy more of these things. I've cleaned the old one and am going to give it a try as well. I'm also going to do a more thorough cleaning in the area around the air filter since that is where the ignition cutoff switch is and I've had a couple of problems recently with it as well.
Does anyone have any suggestions about something I might be missing?