Finally discovered the source of the mystery noise. Turns out it's my fault.
I bought my machine on a closeout in 1997 and let it sit in it's shipping crate till fall 2003. I did the assembly according to the manual being very careful to pay strict attention to every detail.I also decided to put Permatex brand belt dressing on the auger belt during my assembly. Yesterday in an attempt to help me Spotted Pony spoke about using soap as a substitute for belt dressing. I had the belt cover off so I decided to dress the belt with the Permatex again. The noise upon auger engagemnent went away immediately. Teriffic!! Shut the engine off ,buttoned her back up and voila, the noise is back!! Took the belt cover off and tried again. Works out that after five minutes of cure time the belt that is treated with the Permatex makes this loud idescribable gnashing noise on engagement. My bad!!!!!!
Tomorrow I replace the belt and clean the pulley system of the belt dressing. Thanks to everyone who has tried to help me with this ongoing problem.
How happy am I that it's not the support bearing in the back of the auger housing that supports the shaft that goes into the gearbox?
This message was modified Jan 25, 2005 by mml4
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