Abby’s Guide > Outdoor Power Equipment (Lawn Mowers, Snow Blowers, Chain Saws and more) > Discussions > Honda HS928TA Snowblower
Outdoor Power Equipment (Lawn Mowers, Snow Blowers, Chain Saws and more) Discussions |

Location: Melville, NY
Joined: Mar 8, 2010
Points: 30
Honda HS928TA Snowblower
Original Message Mar 9, 2010 9:21 am |
I'm looking to order a Honda HS928TA (recoil only) snowblower in mid April so I'm guaranteed to get one in late summer/early fall, but have no dealers on Long Island that have anything in stock, so I could see the physical size of this machine. So forum members, any additional thoughts on this machine? I have searched various threads and there are many people suggesting the HS928 over the HS724, basically because of the limited hp on the HS724. I currently have a Ariens 624 for the last 5 years, good machine, served it's purpose, but looking to take it to the next level. My biggest issue with the Ariens is the EOD issue, not easy but it does it job, now looking for something that won't have an issue. I would like to see the machine before placing a down payment, but these snowblower are very rare on Long Island (track version) and all dealers claim this is a special order unit, they don't stock them. 
This message was modified Mar 9, 2010 by kderobertis
Joined: Dec 20, 2008
Points: 104
Re: Honda HS928TA Snowblower
Reply #33 Mar 12, 2010 6:51 pm |
My B&S engine is rated in hp.Second I find it amusing, how the Honda fanatics always want to point out that everyone fudges their hp rating except Honda.LOL.Also I have never had my friction disc slip.Also for 2+grand,that machine better out throw all other machines and never clog.But it doesnt, and thats a crime.Also Hondas rust like all the other snowblowers.Just take a look on e-bay or craigs list.You must be living in a fantasy world or dont want to face reality.But hey you own a Well, maybe because a Honda GX will give you a true HP rating for about 500 more hours than any of the other Comparable motors. A Honda GX will give you 8 hp years longer, well after the Intek or the Snowking have blown up, or needed major work. That tells me those engines are over-rated.
The Hondas you see on craigslist are about 10-20 years old, and good luck finding a box store snowblower that's still running after 5 years. I bought a used honda for $1300, and sold it 8 years later for $700. Honda's kick ass, and people who use them know it. In fact, eveybody knows it. They may not be worth the money to someone but that's different than not being able to admit when a machine is better than the crap America is manufacturing.
Joined: Nov 28, 2008
Points: 2434
Re: Honda HS928TA Snowblower
Reply #35 Mar 12, 2010 7:00 pm |
I must finally admit you are right AA.My blower is worth more than my car.Do you know why?Its a HONDA ACCORD piece of crap.The tranny went at 30,000 miles.And it wasnt only my car,they had a recall for the tranny problem.And now I get a notice for my airbag.Metal parts might hit the occupants in the front and cause serious injury or fatality.I should of bought American. Is this why you are so bent on dissing Honda? I hope you can sell off your Simp Pro this late in the season. Dump the Honda Accord and put the money you got from the Simp Pro towards a safer car so you can get to work. I heard people are paying big bucks for these Pre-2008 Simp Pros tanks because they ain't making them like they used to. All manufacturers are going towards foreign thin steel buckets, aluminum auger gear housing, stamped steel handles riveted to plastic frames from recycled milk jugs, and putting in Fisher Price plastic bore engines. *TONGUE IN CHEEK* Or, you can keep your American Simp Pro and ride that to work. Make sure you have extra friction discs and drive belts on hand.
This message was modified Mar 12, 2010 by aa335
Joined: Nov 28, 2008
Points: 2434
Re: Honda HS928TA Snowblower
Reply #38 Mar 12, 2010 7:16 pm |
you must be dumb and thick headed.You fool the 2001 had a recall for the transmission.Not because they were bullet proof but because they were defective.And now I have to worry about metal parts killing me and the passenger,if my airbag deploys.Great job honda.And lets not forget Toyota lol....Anyone have a toyota for sale??? Pot calling the kettle black? No manufacturers is going to recall a car because the transmission is bullet proof  . DUH It just makes sense. Get your story straight before you put your mouth in gear.
This message was modified Mar 13, 2010 by aa335
Joined: Dec 16, 2009
Points: 888
Re: Honda HS928TA Snowblower
Reply #41 Mar 12, 2010 9:10 pm |
Didnt u read what steve cebu said??his 928 clogged twice not the toro.... Yes the Toro clogged twice in wet heavy slushy snow more slush than snow really. This in my book doesn't make the Honda bad, it was a great machine. True I prefer the Toro for various reasons like the fact that my wife can use the Toro and the joystick for the chute is really sweet to use. I don't think it's inferior to the Honda. The Honda has a great transmission and a really great engine. The tracks are amazing as well. I think the way the chute works is lackluster but no doubt it's bulletproof. Honda typically is lower tech than their competitors. They tend to focus on reliability. If my 928TAS had dual skid steer on the tracks I would have kept it. I own 2 Honda cars right now, but I've owned many other makes over the years. I think the Honda is a great machine, yes I think it's priced too high for what you get. But in my mind the top of the line Toro, Simplicty, Ariens and Hondas are all pretty damn good and while I personally picked Toro that doesn't mean the other brands are crap. Clogging twice isn't a big deal in my book especially on a new machine. I'm not taking sides. I just want to be clear about my opinion. Lots of opinons out there. Porsche, Ferrari, Lambo all get compared, at the end of the day you buy what you ultimately prefer for your own use. Peace
"If you have more miles on your snow blower than your car, you live in New England." "If you can drive 75 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard without flinching, you live in New England."