Can anyone help me? I took this carburetor apart to clear a clogged nozzle. In the five minutes it took me to take it apart I forgot how to put it back together.<BR>Can anyone tell me how these parts are supposed to fit together. I know were the big black diaphram goes and how the body of the carb is supposed to line up. I just cannot figure out how the nozzle/jets go in. or which way the spring goes, or why there are two O-rings. One of the O-rings goes on the nozzle/jet. I've tried 7 or 8 different combinations to no avail. The worst thing is this is my neighbor's lawnmower. I thought I was doing him a favor. I would like to blame the whole mess on the 5-year old that offered to help but this is all on me.
This message was modified May 19, 2009 by Underdog