question for borat Original Message Apr 22, 2009 3:28 pm
If you could purchase a brand new Honda 928was for $1800 from a Honda dealership right now,would you?Or would u pass because you already have ur Simplicity?And if you did purchase it,would u keep both??
Re: question for borat Reply #1 Apr 23, 2009 8:19 am
mikiewest wrote:
If you could purchase a brand new Honda 928was for $1800 from a Honda dealership right now,would you?Or would u pass because you already have ur Simplicity?And if you did purchase it,would u keep both??
No. I wouldn't. Particularly if it was a tracked model. At that price, It's a good deal but I'm more than happy with my Simplicity. Honda is a great product but so is Simplicity. We received 30" of heavy wet snow during a big storm on the last day of March. It was the toughest job the Simplicity had done so far. It ran flawlessly, worked harder than I thought it could and did it with relative ease compared to every other machine out working on my street that day. If I had to buy a new machine, it would be a tough choice between the two. Best price would be the deciding factor.