yamaha snowblowers Original Message Mar 22, 2009 4:30 pm
Anyone know if Yamaha will start selling snowblowers in the US anytime soon ?Also does anyone know whats the difference between a Yamaha and a Honda as far as internally and the transmission??
Re: yamaha snowblowers Reply #8 Mar 24, 2009 9:36 am
I have nothing against Honda other than the price. If there was a comparable wheeled Honda to my Simplicity 9528 for a few hundred more, I'd probably go for it. However, around here, an equivalent Honda is nearly double the price. The Honda is an excellent snow blower. I'll admit that it's probably a better overall machine than a comparable Simplicity but I don't think it's twice as good. Not by a long shot.
Re: yamaha snowblowers Reply #9 Mar 24, 2009 12:30 pm
Yes, Honda prices are high. It is on the right side of the diminishing returns curve where 100% increase in price yields 20% increase in performance, if even that. If high end audio follows this curve, it's a relative bargain, so to speak.