By checking out the John Deere web site and a local John Deere dealer (they had the top-of-the-line 1332PE model on display), I've noticed four different drive systems for their four dual stage blowers, respectively. By the way, they all use Briggs engines.
John Deere web site:
I have a few questions:
1) 928E---"Knob style wheel differential system" (quoting the web site)
Is this a real differential, and if so, is it the same as the older Ariens that have the differential lock-out knob on the left wheel (here it's the
right wheel)?
2) 1130SE---"Easy Steer® drive system giving continuous power to both wheels and auto speed adjustment" (quoting the web site)
What do they mean by the "Easy Steer" having "continuous power to both wheels"? Is it locked dual-wheel drive or a true
differential, or do you pull a lever or something to disengage a wheel, or what (like the Simplicity blowers and Ariens 927LE)?
What is "auto speed adjustment?
3) 1332PE---"Quick Turn drive system; single trigger locks one wheel while other turns" (quoting the web site)
This sounds to me like the Simplicity "Easy Turn" feature, or the Ariens 927LE, both having those levers you pull to disengage one wheel.
True, or there some hidden meaning?
Thanks very much for anyone who can give me some very specific answers to these questions.
This message was modified Mar 5, 2009 by coasteray
El Toro! 1028 LXE - Tecumseh 358cc 10hp Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!