Joined: Dec 19, 2008
Points: 9
scotts L1742
Original Message Feb 8, 2009 5:00 pm |
HI , all i know its kinda early to start thinking about spring and grass cutting but i have questions. I am wodering if some one can stear me in the right dirrection.I have a 2002 scott L1742 with 2,000 hours.I have changed the oil every 20 hours and changed the drive belt twice. I do 4 3/4 acre lawns and a field ever week and in the fall pull a dr leaf vac. needless to say the tractor has done its job but i was wondering if it is time to be replaced. it has sever carrosin on the deck and on the lower bodie.The seat is torn practicly in half, and the altanator is junk,2nd 1st and third gear do not work all of the time , and i have limmited brakes.I dont want to put to much more money in it because i dont think it will last more than a year.I would be interested in a x500 48inch(it will fit in the back of the pick up).so any way the point is i am looking for a new tarctor average size jd or other brands any one have suggestion pless let me know.(considering a zero turn)