I have a Craftsman 2 Stage Snowblower. I got a rubber toy stuck in the impeller (stage 2). The rubber dog toy is jammed really tight bewteen the impeller blade and the metal wall (about a 3/8" gap). Now....I need some suggestions on how to remove it.
Here is what I gathered up so far online, please let me know if I'm missing anything to be safe
- Remove key, pull spark plug so it cannot start
- Pull the shear pins out, so that the augers don't release stored up energy and get my hand once the item is out (is stored up energy a big issue?)
- Cut the toy out using a small hack saw or sharp blade
Just want to make sure I have everything covered so it's safe. Let me know if anyone has any tips. This rubber toy is jammed very tight in the impeller...doesn't budge at all.