Can you bring it indoors to a heated place so the machine can thoroughly
dry out ? Then try it again and see. I and others have had similar problems
so it would be nice if we could determine exactly what the cause is, then
figure out the simplest solution.
If it's just a matter of water getting in then it should be possible to install
some sort of gasket around the belt cover area. Ariens does seem to have
attempted to prevent water getting in as the belt cover, at least on my machine,
is now made in such a way as to offer a kind of double seal.
As far as adjustment goes there is somewhere in the manual that says that
there should be 1/32" clearance between the friction disk and the drive plate.
When I adjusted the cable to so that the spring stretched 5/8" or so, there was
quite a bit more than 1/32" clearance of the friction disk. So I tightened the cable
some more until the clearance was reduced. This has the good sideffect of
bringing the engine pulley and driveplate/pulley into better alignment at idle.
If you tighten too much though the machine will creep forward with the drive
This message was modified Jan 7, 2009 by pvrp