Someone told me Hondas have a belt for the auger and 1 for the drive wheels.Today I went to look at a Honda 928WAS snowblower and asked the salesman.He told me they dont have any belts which I thought I read somewhere.Can anyone tell me if they know ??By the way those machines are great and is $2200 a fair price for one?
That sounds like a fair price. Especially for an electric start version.
Your salesman maybe misinformed or don't care to find the correct information before answering your question. Or maybe just trying to upsell you on features the snowblower doesn't have. In either case belts or no belts, there's no reason why belts are not suitable for the application of a snowblower. It's used everywhere else in lawn tractors, self propelled mowers.
Now if you want a non-belted Honda, that's going to costs you. Sure they can make them, but most people are already paying a premium for the hydrostatic transmission alone.
This message was modified Jan 7, 2009 by aa335