Speaking of Hondas Original Message Jan 4, 2009 1:03 pm
Looks like a guy across the street from me traded in his old Toro for a tracked Honda. We were all out clearing at least a foot of snow from our driveways. End of driveway pile had to be a good 30" to 36" high & dense. I watched the guy with the Honda. He looked to be struggling quite a bit. The machine seemed to want to climb the pile rather than dig into it. The guy's a little goofy though. He kept pushing it until it would stall. Restart it and continue. The guy directly across from me was using an 8 h.p. 24" Troybilt and he was doing much better than the Honda. My Simplicity chewed through it quicker than both of the above mentioned machines. I suspect that would possibly be due to a power advantage. Can't say what the Honda's power is. Once it was away from the e.o.d snow, it was throwing snow pretty good. At least as well as the Troybilt but not in the same league as the Simplicity. Neither in volume or distance. However, from the looks of the Honda, it might only be around 7 h.p.. Looks kind of small but that could be due to the tracks making it look lower to the ground.