question for borat bout simplicity Original Message Dec 30, 2008 9:05 pm
Do you think that $1900 is a fair price for a letover simplicity pro 1170E?Its brand new at the store near me.I know its new but its not new technically.I guess its 2 yrs old.
Re: question for borat bout simplicity Reply #6 Dec 30, 2008 9:58 pm
List price for a new one is $2250.00. The machine is two year old and they're knocking off $350.00. Not bad but I think they could do better. Before you go in to negotiate, what are the market conditions in the area where you live? With the economic down turn, businesses might want to clear some inventory and you might be able to get them to come down some. Now if it's snowing like hell there and people are in and out of the shop buying machines, you might not have too much wiggle room. If you feel you have some time/room to negotiate, go in and offer them a couple hundred less. I'd offer $1600.00 and see what happens. If they turn it down, and If the machines aren't moving off the show room floor, wait a day or two and go back to see if they're more willing to sell. They might want to split the difference with you and maybe give you $150.00 off of the $1900. If they make that move try for $1700.00 even. Just be pleasant and patient. They're going to want to make as much as possible but they would also like to reduce inventory. Particularly on a two year old machine. I bought mine for $1500.00 and it was listed at $1900.00. It was a left over from the year before. If you have an old machine, see if they'll take it in on a trade providing they don't try to skin you there.