Ariens auger leaks snow out the side Original Message Dec 20, 2008 7:25 pm
I have an Ariens 9526DLE that I bought Fall 2007. It works well and throws snow out the chute like nothing I've seen before. However, the auger seems to spit/leak out snow on the righthand side (respective to when I'm looking at the auger housing directly from the front). I took it to the dealer and they said I had a 1/2 sheared shearpin and replaced it under warranty. That didn't fix it and I'm still left with snow leaking out that side. It's annoying as it leaves a small trail of snow all over the place that I have to shovel up by hand. I would characterize it as snow being thrown/spit out forward as the auger spins. It happens when I'm chewing through snow greater than 2" high. I thought the auger rail on the right side was installed backwards perhaps... can someone take a look at the pics and confirm the auger rail is installed properly? Thanks!
Re: Ariens auger leaks snow out the side Reply #14 Dec 25, 2008 5:09 am
Personally, I suspect the cause of blowing the snow forward is too much impeller speed. and the impeller moving more air than the size of the ejector hole can handle. Under very light snow conditions, full throttle isn't necessary. Slow the machine down and see what happens. Chances are that you'll reduce the fan effect and limit forward air flow.