I noticed something on my 9526 DLE that may be pertinent to this thread.
Like kinger's 1027 LE my machine has one drive belt and two attachment
belts, with the engine pulley being a single piece with the three grooves
turned into it.
Because of the way the traction is engaged the groove in the engine pulley
will only line up with the drive plate/pulley when the traction is engaged, as
this pulls the driveplate back (to rub on the friction disk). Kind of strange
in my mind. It means that whenever the engine is running but the traction
is not engage, the engine pulley, belt idler and drive plate/pulley are very
much out of alignment.
The result is that at idle there is no way that all the belts, pulleys and
idlers can line up properly and may seem to be out of adjustment when
they're not. However, in kinger's case, it seems that his engine pulley is
not positioned properly since it lines up ok with the drive plate (which it
shouldn't) and does not line up ok with the attachment pulleys (which it
should). Seems to me that moving the pulley forward (somehow) should
solve the problem.
This message was modified Jan 3, 2009 by pvrp