Great forum! I'm in the market for a new blower. My Simplicity 5 hp from 35 years ago is old and tired [it's suffering from severe motor toast - I have to baby it thru deep snow or it kills]
We have a local shop that sells the Husky's and the Toro's. I had been looking at a Toro Power Max 828 LXE too. I probably wouldn't be adverse to another Simplicity either, however there's not a local dealer that sells them.
I like some of the features on the Husky over the Toro... 10.5 hp v 8 hp, Hand warmers [I have issues with my hands], 300.00 cheaper than the Toro.
I am a bit concerned on the Husky about the diameter of the snow chute where it exits the 2nd stage. It's maybe 5-6" in diameter -smaller than others I've looked at. I wonder if it will clog easily. Perhaps there's a reason they include a chisel tool that's clipped on the front. The sales guy said the throw on the Husky was about 20' depending on snow conditions. He also said slushy snow will clog [it'll do that on any blower I suspect].
Does anyone have a Husky? Just looking for some input.
Thanks much!!
This message was modified Nov 16, 2008 by aklap